Data Mining

ZapDoc can assist your business to extract data from the Internet in a regulated, systematic manner to implement your information asset acquisition goals through a process called data mining, which is the accumulation of data in a systematic, timely manner to augment the business intelligence of your company. What is not so simple is the implementation strategy to acquire the data, including legal implications, use of data, ability to properly channel the data into the relevant stream, and finally, how to process the data once its acquired.
Ethics of Data Mining
Within the past decade there have been legal issues involved with acquiring data, including the method of extraction. In addition, many companies structure their pubic websites as to make it more difficult for data aggregators to download data in a manner that it was not intended. ZapDoc is limited to acquisition of data that does not include copyright infringement, intellectual property acquisition (legal or otherwise), or otherwise hinders the operation of the data hosting participant.

When it is ethically viable to extract data from the Internet, ZapDoc can provide the most efficient strategy that will extract data in a timely manner. In most cases, all public domain data including both private and public sources can be downloaded with no consequence. Private sites typically give permission if asked, providing a reasonable time is allowed as well as a bandwidht speed. In some cases, a fee can be paid to the owner of the data to offset their costs.

In this manner, the comprehensive process ensures your business remain a worthy and valid partner of the data hosts. While ZapDoc has an extensive selecion of data mining strategies, the best strategy is an upfront relationship with the host of the data being retrieved.
ZapDoc Indexes Newly Acquired Data
Once the data has been acquired, ZapDoc uses its extensive programming to process the data in the most pertinent manner for your business. Storing data in Microsoft Access, data can be queried, calculated, formatted, and distributed using its reporting function. In addition, data can be output to Microsoft Excel to allow further spreadsheed manipulation and charting.
